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In default in a sentence

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Sentence count:38+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-12-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: in default ofdefaultdefaulterdefault ondefault filedefault valuedefault optiondefault setting
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1. The company is in default on its loan agreement.
2. The company is in default on the loan.
3. He was acquitted in default of strong evidence of his guilt.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. They accepted what he had said in default of any evidence to disprove it.
5. In default of experts'help, we shall have to rely on our own efforts.
6. The committee will not meet in default of a chairman.
7. It is in default on a loan agreement.
8. The loan is in default.
9. Risk of unexpected changes in default premium.
10. By 1597 they were in default on rents and Royalties.
11. A woman could inherit the throne in default of male heirs.
12. We use the study of coinage in default of and particularly to supplement other sources of historical information.
13. The banks have decided that the company is in default on its loan agreements.
14. Sometimes the party in default makes an offer to put things right, e.g. the seller offers to buy back defective goods.
15. The creditors haven't declared them in default.
16. All should be in default settings now.
17. The house was in default and the bank will repossess it.
18. Some $45.5 billion of bank-held commercial mortgages were in default in the first quarter up $3.7 billion from the fourth quarter 2009, according to Real Capital.
19. In default of expert's help, you'll have to rely on yourselves.
20. Regardless of this, Part B is in default if Part B does not effect payment by a payment date specified in the invoice.
21. In default of tools, she used a hairpin and a buttonhook.
22. A similarly high proportion end in a swift judgment because the defendant is in default or has no real defence.
23. I imagine this is on the grounds that there can be no profitable reclamation of the goods in default of settlement!
24. It is a summary remedy which should enable a person in default to be brought swiftly to account.
25. Creditors are all too frequently obliged to terminate the consumer credit agreement because the debtor is in default.
26. When I entered Columbia Law School my military deferment was in default.
27. Even state - sponsored development banks are quite sensitive to avoid loans that end in default.
28. In addition , with an agreed final delivery term, ... is only in default until the client has given notice of default.
29. A very high risk investment which is highly likely to be in default.
30. The second deals with intestate succession i. e. the mode of distribution prescribed by law in default of any provision made by the deceased.
More similar words: in default ofdefaultdefaulterdefault ondefault filedefault valuedefault optiondefault settingdefault settingsdefault judgmentfaultfinderdouble faultreverse faultfind faultfault-findingfaultfindingfind fault withindefatigablyindefatigablefaultfaultyat faultin faultfaultilyfaultingto a faultfaultlessfault linenormal faultcommon fault
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